我们也看到国内一些出海品牌在纷纷举起“环保”的旗帜。 SHEIN 的2021 Sustainability & Social Impact Report是否让你触动?一向低调的 SHEIN CEO 也在这份报告中“署名”。 Source: SHEIN 除了环境保护,供应链透明、员工福利等议题都是可持续的重点。 DTC 快时尚独角兽Cider的官网上也多了 Sustainabilty 的内容,而且...
(图片来自:SHEIN 2021 Sustainability and Social Impact Report) 据悉,SHEIN 通过对全球社交网络平台的数据收集,特别是密切关注时尚事件和年轻消费者对于消费潮流的喜好,从而快速复制潮流,以极致的运营效率,把最近消费者喜欢的服装款式迅速上线售卖,并在社交媒体平台以及SHEIN 自身APP上进行精准营销推荐。玫美纺织的负责人...
(图片来自:SHEIN 2021 Sustainability and Social Impact Report) 据悉,SHEIN 通过对全球社交网络平台的数据收集,特别是密切关注时尚事件和年轻消费者对于消费潮流的喜好,从而快速复制潮流,以极致的运营效率,把最近消费者喜欢的服装款式迅速上线售卖,并在社交媒体平台以及SHEIN 自身APP上进行精准营销推荐。 玫美纺织的负责...
SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORTA Note From Our CEOI am honored to present SHEINs third annual Sustainability and SocialImpact Report.As my team and I reviewed our progress this year,it prompted us to deeply reflect on the impact we have on the world aroundus.At SHEIN,our mission is ...
图片来源:2023 SHEIN Sustainability Social Impact Report,下同。 在2022年SHEIN推广了数字转移印花技术(DTP)。这项技术得到了国际权威机构Bureau Veritas的认证,证实其在生产过程中可以实现零水耗。 在2023年,超过52%的直接采购印花面料使用DTP技术,与传统丝网印刷相比,DTP计划估计节省了超过29万立方米的水和超过32,60...
According to Shein's own sustainability and social impact report 2021, 14% of its suppliers’ factories violated working hours and 8% violated general working environment. Shein said it will reduce violation rates through on-site management and worker training. Advertisement The Chinese fashion giant...
Even if Shein does not have specific metrics to effectively report its efforts towards sustainability at the moment, Euromonitor International predicts that its share of the apparel and footwear market in the US will continue to grow in 2022 and beyond. First of all, the dema...
such as child labor and use of sweatshops,” Coresight wrote in its report about Shein. The company “likely contributes huge waste arising from unsold garments that end up in a landfill … We think that Shein must take big steps forward in its sustainability and ethical practice...
(shein did not respond to questions about the remake report.) earlier this year, shein published its own sustainability and social impact report, in which it committed to using more sustainable textiles and disclosing its greenhouse gas emissions. an audit the company conducted of its suppliers, ...
“If a design sells out quickly, Shein places a large order of the product,” according to a Coresight Research report.“If it does not sell out quickly, Shein sells the remaining pieces and abandons the design.” There are sustainability concerns. Like other fast fashion retailers, Shein ...