sheffield teaching hospitals 读音:美英 sheffield teaching hospitals基本解释 雨刷伯教学医院 分词解释 Sheffield设菲尔德(英国英格兰北部城市) teaching教学 hospitals医院( hospital的名词复数 ) sheffield teaching hospitals是什么意思 sheffield teaching hospitals怎么读 sheffield teaching hospitals在线翻译 sheffield teaching...
Sheffield-Teaching-Hospitals 例句 释义: 全部 更多例句筛选 1. The study was conducted by researchers with the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 此项研究由谢菲尔德大学和英国国家医疗服务系统基金会谢菲尔德教学医院主导。©...
Further west lies Weston Park, the Weston Park Museum, the Harold Cantor Gallery, sports facilities in the Crookesmoor area and medicine, in the Royal Hallamshire Hospital (although taught in the city's extensive teaching hospitals under the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and thr...
Bennet, C ASargur, RWild, GWhitfield, PSwallow, KGreen, KEgner, W
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Sheffield Uk; Asha Dube, Department of Pathology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Sheffield Uk; Tony Milford-Ward, Department of Immunology, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Sheffield Uk; Dermot Gleeson, Liver Unit, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust, Sheffield ...
Copyright©SheffieldTeachingHospitalsNHSFoundationTrust2006:AllRightsReserved Re-useofalloranypartofthisdocumentisgovernedbycopyrightandthe“Re-useofPublicSectorInformation Regulations2005.SI2005No1515. Informationonre-usecanbeobtainedfrom: TheInformationGovernanceDepartment,SheffieldTeachingHospitals. ...
10 minutes with Dr Claire Dewsnap, consultant in genitourinary medicine at Sheffield Teaching Hospitalscapabilityclinical leadershipmedical leadershipSenior medical leadercommunicationThe key messages I would like to get out to all leaders at any level is to be available and accessible. When I say ...
Recreational scans: harmless curiosity? Midwife at the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and member of the RCM Ethics Advisory Committee Katy Coles highlights a number of alarming facts and trends about the non-essential use of ultrasound...
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Barnstaple County Court) related to medical negligence. The claim was that the trust did not take responsibility and additional security as per the greater magnitude of the risk that resulted in individuals never being able to father children. The ...
An audit of the management of babies at risk of hepatitis C transmission in Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust2-3 % of the world's population are chronically infected with hepatitis C. In the UK 50% of those infected are unaware. There is currently no national antenatal screening for ...