In the 2013 university league tables, Sheffield Hallam University was placed 83rd out of 120 UK universities by The Guardian, 68th by The Independent, 69th by The Times and 64th by The Sunday Times.
it is home to Hallam FC, one of the oldest football clubs in the world. Take a stroll along this iconic road and soak in the atmosphere of the beautiful game's early beginnings. If you're interested in paying tribute to a significant historical event, head to the Mi Amigo Memorial Stone...
谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学 (Sheffield Hallam University) 建校于1843年,前身为谢菲尔德设计学院,在工业革命中享有近一个世纪的盛名, 从建校伊始,谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学就和工业产业界紧密相连。经过二十世纪两次院校合并和调整,目前已发展为全英第六大的综合性大学,是中国教育部中英学历学位互认协议中第一批通过的英国大学。 今天的...