USG SHEETROCK BRAND 微尘控制拆卸剂说明书 SUBMITTAL SHEET USG SHEETROCK ® BRAND DUST CONTROL JOINT COMPOUND A lightweight all purpose joint compound featuring patented technology to reduce airborne dust and may be considered as an engineering control under OSHA and NIOSH regulation and guidance ...
SHEETROCK Brand Gypsum Panels 与 HEETROCK Plus 3 一体 S HEETROCK®Brand Lightweight Application Tips All Purpose Joint Compound
Joint Compounds Features –A lightweight, (setting-type), compound. –For use on wall and ceiling joints, whenever sanding is required. for second –Weighs 25% less than conventional setting-type compounds. –Offers unique humidity resistance, exceptional bond, –Provides check-crack resistance in...
Prefill any voids between Ensemble panel seams with USG Sheetrock® Brand Easy Sand™ Lightweight Setting-Type Joint Compound. Embed joint tape with the USG Sheetrock® Brand All Purpose joint compound. This can be done by hand with a joint knife or a standard bazooka. Wipe excess ...
USG Sheetrock Brand UltraLight 1 2 英寸墙面和天花板板说明书 SUBMITTAL SHEET USG DESCRIPTION INTENDED FOR LIMITATIONS INTERIOR INSTALLATION,FINISHING AND DECORATING INSTALLATION USG SHEETROCK ® BRAND ULTRALIGHT PANELS Ultralightweight and sag-resistant 1/2 in. (12.7 mm) panels for interior wall and ...
USG Sheetrock Brand Tuff-Hide Primer-Surfacer说明书 DESCRIPTION
paper to optimize water absorption and provide maximum plaster bond • R igid core that resists sag USG Sheetrock® Brand UltraLight Gypsum Base Imperial® is a re-engineered, lightweight gypsum panel with a high strength-to-weight ratio composite design. The noncombustible, lightweight ...
SHEETROCK Brand 角凹胶带应用指南说明书 S HEETROCK™Brand Application Tips Corner Bead
SHEETROCK 墙面和天花板喷涂纹理产品说明书 S HEETROCK®Brand Application Tips Wall and Ceiling Spray T exture