USG SHEETROCK ® BRAND DUST CONTROL JOINT COMPOUND A lightweight all purpose joint compound featuring patented technology to reduce airborne dust and may be considered as an engineering control under OSHA and NIOSH regulation and guidance documents.• Superior joint compound for fill, finish and ...
USG Sheetrock Brand 所有权合格标准说明书 SUBMITTAL SHEET USG SHEETROCK ® BRAND ALL PURPOSE JOINT COMPOUND The original, most-trusted conventional weight all purpose joint compound for all phases of drywall finishing.• Excellent for skim coating • Best-in-class for embedding tape • ...
US Gypsum, producer of Sheetrock(R) brand gypsum board or drywall, produces Sheetrock(R) MoldTough(R) VHI (Very High Impact) gypsum board panels used in interiors. These panels use fiberglass reinforcement in the panel composition. Another company, Georgia Pacific, produces DensGlass, a gold ...
SHEETROCK Brand 角凹胶带应用指南说明书 S HEETROCK™Brand Application Tips Corner Bead
SHEETROCK Brand Gypsum Panels 与 HEETROCK Plus 3 一体 S HEETROCK®Brand Lightweight Application Tips All Purpose Joint Compound
USG Sheetrock Brand Tuff-Hide Primer-Surfacer说明书 DESCRIPTION
The coated paper tape covering ensures excellent adhesion of joint compound for a strong, smooth finish. No nailing is required with the tape-on styles, making installation and precision corner alignment easier while eliminating nail pops. The superior performance of USG Sheetrock® Brand Paper-Face...
SHEETROCK 墙面和天花板喷涂纹理产品说明书 S HEETROCK®Brand Application Tips Wall and Ceiling Spray T exture
USG manufactures a number of joint tapes to suit a range of applications. Fiberglass-type joint tapes must be used with setting-type joint compounds; paper tapes can be used with both setting-type and drying-type joint compounds. S HEETROCK®MH Brand Joint Tape—T UF-T APE™S HEETROCK...
The joints are finished with USG Sheetrock® Brand Paper Joint Tape embedded in USG Sheetrock® Brand All Purpose Joint Compound. USG Sheetrock® Brand Ensemble™ Ceiling Compound is used for the finish coats over the joints. The surface is then coated with USG Ensemble™ Spray-Applied ...