sheetmetal_part_design_guidelines Bends • Bends should be toleranced plus or minus one-half degree at a location adjacent to the bends.• For the ease of manufacturing, multiple bends on the same plane should occur in the same direction.• Avoid large sheet metal parts with small bent ...
第10章钣金设计.ppt 热度: NX6 Sheet Metal (UG 钣金专业教材) 热度: Lantek Sheet Metal Software 钣金CADCAM软件 热度: Chapter10 SheetMetalDesign Aftercompletingthischapter,youwillbeabletoperformthefollowing: StarttheAutodeskInventorsheetmetalenvironment ...
Sheetmetaldesignrequirements •Designforcustomer•Designformanufacturing•Designforassembly•Designfortest•Designforcost 1.Designguidelinesforfilletsandradii.Usegenerousradiiandavoidsharpcornersandsharpedge,planforminimumradius,r>0.5T,andneverlessthan0.8mm Designrulesforfilletsandradii 2.Designguidelinesfor...
Our basic guidelines for sheet metal fabrication include important design considerations to help improve part manufacturability, enhance cosmetic appearance, and reduce overall production time. Size Maximum Dimensions US Metric Size 39 in. x 47 in. 990.6mm x 1,193.8mm Bend Length 47 in. 1,193.8...
选择Application—>SheetMetal—>Design 2015/1/33 (SheetMetalFeature) 选择Application—>Modeling 再选择Insert—>SheetMetalFeature 出现菜单: 也可以打开工具栏 MB3—> SheetMetalFeature 钣金特征:钣金特征: 具有钣金专业设计功具有钣金专业设计功 能的建模特征能的建模特征 ...
CATIA 钣金设计 (Generative Sheetmetal Design ) 创成式钣金设计( Generative Sheetmetal Design )基于特征的造型方法提供了高效和直观的设计环境,它允许在零件的折弯表示和展开表示之间实现并行工程。该模块可以与当前和将来的 CATIA V5 应用模块如零件设计、装配设计和工程图生成模块等结合使用。钣金设计可能从草图或已...
Get an overview to sheet metal fabrication from the different types of sheet metal fabrication, to design best practices, materials, finishings and fastenings.
Sheet metal design software is calibrated for the design, engineering, and manufacturing of sheet metal components and products. It provides tools and features that aid in the creation, modification, and optimization of sheet metal parts, as well as the generation of manufacturing instructions and do...
Sheet Metal Design 钣金设计(SheetMetalDesign)在下面的课程中,您将学到:钣金的平面翻边、曲面翻边、嵌入翻边、通用翻边钣金的弯折、桥接、筋肋、冲压、冲孔、冲槽钣金的切割、圆角、托架,以及钣金的成形与展开 对学员的基本要求:已接受过UG的基础培训,掌握UG的曲线建模、特征建模等操作 2021/7/2 1 钣金设计...
Create a rocket with advanced CAD design Learn the advanced CAD design principles with our tutorial to build a rocket, using sketching, holes, assemblies, sheet-metal design, and more. Resource - Create a rocket with advanced CAD design Learn the advanced CAD design principles with our tutorial...