In-Salon Hair Treatment Sheer BlissWHEN Dr Dee writes you out a prescription you won't have to visit the pharmacy on your way home or make sure you take the medication on a full stomach.
Bliss,Calla’sbeautysalon,hadtakenahitoverthesummer.Tosayshe neededtheincomewasanunderstatement—shewasapparentlywilling toriskaviolent,superhumancatfightdestroyingherplaceofbusinessin ordertokeepthebillspaid. Scratchthat,shethoughttoherselfasshehurriedtothefrontofthe ...
Surveys hair, makeup and fashion trends evident at spring 1997 fashion shows. Emphasis on slender looks that drape and flatter the body; Use of feminine fabrics; Ultrafeminine theme for hair and makeup; Creation of textures reminiscent of the romantic nineteenth century.K.D...