Sheepare woolly herbivorousungulates, that are farmed in many places for theirwool, their fleeces, theirmeatand sometimes their milk. Male sheep are called rams or tups - unless castrated in which case they are called wethers. Female sheep are ewes. Juvenile sheep are lambs. ...
male ram, tupfemale eweyoung lamb, yeanlingcollective noun flock Quotations"He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter" Bible: Isaiah Breeds of sheep Beulah Speckled-face, bighorn or mountain sheep, Blackface, Black Welsh Mountain, Blue-faced or Hexham Leicester, Border Leicester, Boreray, ...
Female Sheep/Ram people with blood type AB are gentle but stubborn, so an outgoing and amusing man will match her best. The cheerful and pure ladies will appeal to male Goat people with blood type AB most. Suggestions: It is advised that they make more friends and learn to share feelings...
There is German Nici graduation teddy bear series, sheep plush gorrillas monkey giraffe zebra Nici teddy dolls white [...] 畢業熊仔最受歡迎的包括Guilliver白色淺咖啡色米色公仔穿上畢業袍畢業帽和證書,德國Nici各款 畢業公仔 有綿 羊畢 業 公仔 猩猩猴子長頸鹿 斑 馬公 仔N ici...
A male sheep and a female deer in ___ Yunnan Wild Animal Zoo in Kunming were found to have fallen in love with each other after living together for ___ long time. [选自《北京周报》2012年2月23日第四页] A. 自式族表计果界果自式族表计果界果the, the自式族表计果界果自式族表计果...
afrom the crown 从冠[translate] aremember:female and male sheep can be distinguished by their eyes. 记住:母和公绵羊可以由他们的眼睛区别。[translate]
Correlation of flehmen by male sheep with female behaviour and oestrus - Bland, Jubilan - 1987 () Citation Context ...owed by male flehmen (Banks, 1964; Ladewig et al., 1980). In most breeds, the females urinate more in response to male courtship when they are in anestrus rather than...
A rooster is an adult male chicken. 指成年雄性鸡。 ►hen /hen/ n. 母鸡 A hen is a female chicken. People often keep hens in order to eat or sell their eggs. 指雌性的鸡,人们通常用来食用或售卖它的鸡蛋。 ►chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ n. 鸡 ...
Is it time to receive money and to receive clothing, olive groves and vineyards, sheep and oxen, male and female servants? 这岂是受银子,衣裳,买橄榄园,葡萄园,牛羊,仆婢的时候呢? ParaCrawl Corpus Then Abimelech took sheep, oxen, and male and female servants, and gave them to Abraham;...
Female sheep, like all mammals, produce milk after giving birth to feed the new-born until these are able to depend on themselves or receive other source of nourishment. Consequently, this broad definition of dairy breeds is applied to all sheep breeds that are producing milk whether it is us...