绵羊司机忘了握方向盘 Jeepin aheap. 吉普车摔成了破铜烂铁 Sheep weep. 绵羊们哭了起来 Sheep sweeptheheap. 绵羊们清理摔坏的吉普车 Jeepfor sale-cheap. 吉普车贱卖咯!
《Sheep in a Jeep》(吉普车里的绵羊)小羊一家开着吉普车出去旅行,在陡峭的山上,车陷入泥浆地里抛锚了。千方百计未能脱困,后来峰回路转,来了热心的猪,终于把车推出来了,大家大声欢呼。可是乐极生悲,开车的绵羊忘记掌方向盘了,车子一直冲下山去,撞得七零...
Sheep in a jeep on a hill that’s steep. Sheep in a Jeepis well-loved by the preschool and early-reader sets for its slapstick story of five sheep (in a jeep) and silly sound effects—especially when the jeep goes splash and thud in the mud! Nancy Shaw’s rollicking rhymes are Seus...
1) 故事名称:Sheep in a Jeep 吉普车上的小羊 2) 故事主题: 小朋友们,你们有开过玩具车吗?你们知道开车需要注意什么吗?你们想过遇到困难怎么办吗?一群小羊就这样开着他们的吉普车出去闯荡啦,他们遇到了哪些事情呢?又怎样解决问题的呢?最后他们开车到达了哪里呢?我们来一起听下故事吧 3) 重点场景:sheep;jee...
2557 Sheep in a jeep by:StoryTribeReading 12.2万 sheep in a jeep by:育英学堂ECHO老师 5732 Sheep in a Jeep by:鹅妈妈英语启蒙 7418 Sheep In A Shop by:鹅妈妈英语启蒙 2532 Sheep in A Jeep by:happykidslibrary 6658 Sheep In A Shop by:happykidslibrary 39.7万 Sheep in a Jeep by:玉玲珑_...
Sheep in a jeep on a hill that's steep. 羊在陡峭的山丘上的吉普车上。 第4页 Oh, the Jeep won't go. 哦,吉普车不会去。 第5页 Sheep leap to push the jeep. 羊跳起来推吉普车。 第6页 Sheep shove. Sheep grown. Done. Sheep don't think to look up front. 羊推. ...
吉普车里的羊 Sheep in a Jeep 英语绘本 廖彩杏书单 英语绘本是英语启蒙的好帮手,可以让孩子学习到生活中常用的单词和句子。英语绘本简单易懂,图文相配,很适合英语零基础的孩子。大牛牛英语有3W+的英语绘本,内容精彩,孩子们都爱不释手。 中文名称:(14周)吉普车里的羊...
绘本《Sheep in a Jeep》,Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 绘本内容 Beep! Beep! Sheep in a jeep on a hill that’s steep. Sheep in a Jeep is well-loved by the preschool set for its slapstick story of five sheep (in a jeep) and silly sound effects especially when the jeep goe...
These images capture the beauty of these unique animals in their natural habitats, from the snow-capped mountains to the lush green valleys. Enjoy these high-resolution images of Icelandic Sheep and add a touch of nature to your desktop or mobile device....
Sheep in a jeep on a hill that's steep. 羊在陡峭的山丘上的吉普车上。 第4页 Oh, the Jeep won't go. 哦,吉普车不会去。 第5页 Sheep leap to push the jeep. 羊跳起来推吉普车。 第6页 Sheep shove. Sheep grown. Done. Sheep don't think to look up front. ...