This one was full of sensory play as well and it is the ideal craft for very young toddlers as it is mess free. While you are here, be sure to grab my Free Rainbow Puzzles and Activities Pack to enjoy with your toddler: My littlest is 15 months old, and while she is MY baby, sh...
AND it is The Year of the Sheep after all, which means as of 19th Feb, all Sheep Crafts are a free for all. So. Here are some cute ideas for you – first up is this super easy Fondant Sheep – this cute little sheep is easy to make and would look great on Easter Cake or made...
This little sheep of course would make a great Eid celebration craft or any addition to paper plate nativity activities. This is part of our extensive collection of gorgeous Paper Plate Crafts for preschoolers! First made in 2015 The little Paper Plate sheep are so easy to make and the ...
As we teach our Sunday School lessons, we like to incorporate activities and Sunday School crafts to make the material engaging and memorable for the children. So we made sure to add aCain and abel craftto our Sunday school lesson on sons of Adam and Eve. Able and Cain brought offerings ...
The room was filled with predominately senior-age women, which was to be expected since seniors get free or very inexpensive access to a fantastic array of classes and activities at Bowen Park, ranking from lawn bowling to language classes to dance to pottery. These women, however, were not...