Type: Hotel Categories: accommodation, building and tourism Location: Shedfield, Winchester District, Hampshire, South East England, England, United Kingdom, Britain and Ireland, Europe View on OpenStreetMapLatitude50.9205° or 50° 55' 14" north Longitude-1.1915° or 1° 11' 29" west ...
Type: Building Location: Shedfield, Winchester District, Hampshire, South East England, England, United Kingdom, Britain and Ireland, Europe View on OpenStreetMapLatitude50.93613° or 50° 56' 10" north Longitude-1.20128° or 1° 12' 5" west Open Location Code9C2WWQPX+FF Open...
Location: Shedfield, Winchester District, Hampshire, South East England, England, United Kingdom, Britain and Ireland, Europe View on OpenStreetMapLatitude50.93629° or 50° 56' 11" north Longitude-1.20099° or 1° 12' 4" west Open Location Code9C2WWQPX+GJ OpenStreetMap IDnode...