Tiny Home Office Shed In this Instructable I will show you the steps I am going through to build a comfortable modern backyard shed that you can use as an office, a studio, a workshop, etc. It is definitely a huge step up from your standard shed meant to store a lawn mower or other...
We recently completed this build for an awesome young couple living up in Great Falls, Montana. They are both in the military and wanted a home they could take with them wherever they get stationed. This, and they knew a tiny home would be a means for greater financial stability! They ha...
Photo Credit: Home Depot. Some people choose to live in really simple sheds like the Tuff Shed from Home Depot. This 10′ x 12′ shed house is under $3,000 and has a shingled roof, precision-cut rafters, and a steel door. If you buy this shed to turn it into atiny house, you ...
some great options… and even delivered as promised and on time. We really love the quality of the shed. The delivery guy was awesome and threaded his trailer into a tiny space—and also took the time to stay and get it lined up perfectly into the space we imagined. Thank you so much...
She has a La Chon called Harry who was poorly with a liver shunt when he was a puppy. It wasn't likely he would make it into adulthood, which was difficult, but he beat the odds and is a healthy old man now. She also ha...Read more...
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if one gets off of the freeways and out into the raw, rugged nature. The same attributes that make me love the Pacific Northwest – the mountains, the ocean, the amazing plant life – are some of the ones that have made me begin to appreciate, value and (possibly) love my new home....
Removing the workbench, overhead storage, and tiny little window may have seemed crazy to some, but I knew it had to be done. Here it is from the same viewafter: I repurposing the materials from the workbench, turning them into storage units. Then upped the game by adding French doors...
A Tiny Home in Wood & Stone This spacious she shed looks every bit a gingerbread house with its cobbled path, planters and patio seating. The beautiful contrast of stone and lush greenery makes this den both peaceful and creatively inspiring. This spot seems perfect to paint or write a roman...