Design shear strength formula for high strength concrete beams. Mater Struct 2004;37(10):680-8. BF02480513.Russo, G., Somma, G., and Angeli, P., "Design Shear Strength Formula for High Strength Concrete Beams", Material and Structures-RILEM, Volume 37, pp....
The value of the strength-reduction factor is suggested to be 0.494 based on the data from test and FE analysis, which is smaller than the specified value of the strength-reduction factor for the reinforced concrete (RC) beams. The prediction results using the proposed formula agree well with...
The interface shear strength is generally reported by fitting a linear Mohr–Coulomb failure envelope (defined by the apparent adhesion, c, and interface friction angle, δ) to shear data measured at a range of confining pressures for peak and/or residual conditions. ...
concrete beams. The composite beams are composed of plain concrete beams strengthened by steel plates, externally bonded to their tension faces. The effects of four parameters; namely, plate thickness, beam size, concrete strength, and adhesive type on the moment capacity, deflection, and failure ...
Compressive strength is defined as the maximum compressive load a body can bear prior to failure, divided by its cross sectional area. Ceramics typically have good tensile strengths and are used under compression e.g. concrete. Shear Strength ...
In reality, I think we can assume that the actual strength will be somewhere between the two methods. So I suppose it might just be a judgement call. One interesting thing to note is that I checked the punching shear formula in the "Plain Concrete" section of the standard (ie. ...
[关键词]钢筋混凝土;圆形截面;受剪承载力[中图分类号]TU311.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号] 1001—523X(2006)08.0004—03CALCULATIoN FoRMULA oF SHEAR.BEARING CAPACITY oFREINFoRCED CoNCRETE CIRCULAR SECTIoN MEMBERS[Abstract][Keywords]Yuan JianHuang Tai--hua Tang Xiao--diBased on the analysis of the test...
Contribution of the stirrups to the shear strength VMod Shear resistance according to the model a Shear span (distance between support and point load) b Width c Compression zone depth; cement d Static depth of the beam ds Bar diameter fc Concrete cylinder compressive strength fct Tensile strengt...
Jain (2000) performed a large number of dynamic shear tests on dry rock joints at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. He observed that significant dynamic normal stress (σdyn) is developed across the rough rock joints; hence there is high rise in the dynamic shear strength. ...