Campbell JD, Ferguson WG (1970) The temperature and strain-rate dependence of the shear strength of mild steel. Philos Mag 21:63–82Campbell JD, Ferguson WG (1970) The temperature and strain rate dependence of the shear strength of mild steel. Philosophical Magazine 21:63–82...
A study of the spot welding time on joining strength of the mild steel plates In this study, the effect of welding time on the tensile-shear strength and tensile-peel strength of the welding joints in electrical resistance spot welding of mild steel plates having 1.0 mm thicknesses were inves...
split bolts anchoring that the enhancing effect of shear strength is different to adopt different interface agent;with the growth of the age,it help improve the interfacial bond shear strength of potassium magnesium phosphate cement specimens,but it has little effect on the shear strength of the ...
According to this theory, yielding will start at a point when the maximum shear stress at that point reaches one-half of the uniaxial yield strength, Fy. Thus for a biaxial state of stress where σ1 > σ2, the maximum shear stress will be (σ1 –σ2)/2. This theory states that ...
a high-strength steel framed-tube structure with replaceable shear links (HSS-FTS-RSL) was proposed to improve the seismic performance and recoverability of steel framed-tube structures (SFTS), by introducing the shear link—acting as a sacrificial component—at the mid-span of a deep beam in ...
Strength characteristics of Secura Hollow Groutable Cable Bolts The single shear double test used a guillotine shear frame of double embodiment tendon/grout assembly in a steel tube, while the double shear method enabled shear testing of the cable bolt in concrete to simulate rock. It was found ...
I'd weld before carburizing. Less risk of burning and lost effort that way. I also found a nifty reference to the tensile strength of wrought being pulled with the fiber versus across the fiber. With the fiber, it can take 18% stretching deformation before failure. Across the fiber, 4%....
Bond strength not known Acceptability depends on the strength Bad test or maximum test force possible Self Aligning Shear test solution A fundamental problem exists when shear testing large die; the strength of the bond is in proportion to the area of the die but the area available to apply th...
Spring steel (High yield strength for high-stress cutting jobs) Lcut makes knives and blades from a wide variety of different materials. We select the best material as per what blades you need to cut and the consideration of the heat, cold, and moisture in the cuttin...
2(a) is proposed to study the behaviour of high-strength steel web shear panels of beam–column joints. Although the specimens do not resemble the actual joint configuration, the desired information concerning the panel zone behaviour is provided by the test beam. Beam–column joints carry the ...