properties, no reference values for its elastic constants apart from the longitudinal Young's modulus have been available from literature so far. Hence, this study's objective was to determine the Young's moduli E-L, E-R and E-T and the shear moduli G(LR), G(LT) and G(RT) of yew...
shear modulus/ effective shear modulusporous elastic materialsuniaxial tension testequivalent circular inhomogeneityaluminum plateA new approach is proposed for the experimental study of the effective shear modulus of porous elastic materials using the uniaxial tension test. The idea is to measure strains ...
This work presents new developments in resonant torsional tests in order to determine the shear modulus G of bulk and coated materials. For this purpose, two main problems are resolved: free vibrations in torsion mode are obtained on rectangular plate samples maintained elastically between crossed wi...
Where μ is the shear modulus of the unstressed rock (with an isotropic distribution of cracks), Pc is a characteristic crack closing pressure, σ0 is normal stress, and B=BN/BT is the ratio of normal to tangential compliances of individual cracks. ...
Common sense and the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics require that a positive shear stress leads to a positive shear strain. Therefore, the shear modulus G is required to be nonnegative for all materials, G > 0 Since both G and the elastic modulus E are required to be positive, the quantity ...
It is essential to obtain shear modulus reduction and damping ratio curves to perform dynamic analyses of earth-cored embankment dams. Many studies have been performed for dynamic properties of clayey soils, but they have been limited for earth core materials of dams. This study conducted resonant...
Room temperature Young's modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio were measured by Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy (RUS) for a total of 29 skutterudite specimens cut from four hot pressed billets: (i) two p-type (Ce 0.9Fe 3.5Co 0.5Sb 12) billets, (ii) one n-type (Co 0.95Pd 0.05Te...
Amin Heidarpour, in Construction and Building Materials, 2018 3.3.1 Overview Shear deformation is important when considering local buckling, web crippling, or connection details. A summary of research on the in-plane shear modulus (G12) is shown in Fig. 13. Previous investigators have ...
{c}\). The presence of microcrack-induced voids within the rock specimen results in the attenuation of ultrasonic wave propagation. Furthermore, the ultrasonic wave velocity can also be mathematically represented by the modulus of the rock sample. The ultrasonic wave velocity defined by the Lamé ...
The standard deviation values, 10.34 MPa for shear modulus and 2.51 MPa for ultimate strength, suggest a consistent performance of the material across different samples. Test 4 was used for the further fitting of the model parameters. 4.2. Simulation Results Prior to the analysis, a thorough veri...