女浩克(She-Hulk) 本名珍妮佛·沃尔特斯(Jennifer Walters),是出现在漫威漫画出版物中的英雄虚构人物。由斯坦·李与约翰·巴斯马(英语:John Buscema)所创作,首次出现于《野性的女浩克》(Savage She-Hulk)第一部第一期(1980年二月)。 珍妮佛·苏·沃尔特斯是布鲁斯·班纳博士的表妹。父亲为一名洛杉矶警官,但因为查案...
女浩克(She-Hulk) 本名珍妮佛·沃尔特斯(Jennifer Walters),是出现在漫威漫画出版物中的英雄虚构人物。由斯坦·李与约翰·巴斯马(英语:John Buscema)所创作,首次出现于《野性的女浩克》(Savage She-Hulk)第一部第一期(1980年二月)。 珍妮佛·苏·沃尔特斯是布鲁斯·班纳博士的表妹。父亲为一名洛杉矶警官,但因为查案...
Browse the Marvel comic series She-Hulk (2022 - 2023). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!
Browse the Marvel comic series She-Hulk (2022 - 2023). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!
Browse the Marvel comic series She-Hulk (2014 - 2015). Check out individual issues, and find out how to read them!
绿巨人(Hulk),MCU最强大的英雄、同时也是最悲伤的英雄──毕竟没人想跟情绪管理不佳的男生交往。这种不是最强就是最悲的设定实在太过极端,这也许是女绿巨人(She-Hulk)诞生的原因之一。在最近的迪斯尼D23博览会(D23 Expo)上,宣布在Disney+上推出一部女绿巨人专属剧集。怎么办,Jennifer Walters表妹又赢过Bruce Ba...
Sideshow推出波兰插画家阿迪·格拉诺夫(Adi Granov)艺术雕像系列第二弹作品:漫威超级英雄、绿巨人浩克的表妹SHE-HULK女浩克1:5 雕像~ 雕像以阿迪在漫画中创作的形象为原型,呈现出女浩克一身结实的肌肉。她正站在纽约的某条街道上,不经意间使出自己超强力量,扯下出租车的车门,仔细看车门外侧还能发现她之前作为律师...
She-Hulk figure Alternate head sculpt Alternate pair of hands Additional Details Marvel Founded by Martin Goodman and later launched as Marvel in 1961, Marvel has become an iconic comic book publisher that has expanded to other media like films and video games with a great amount of success. Ma...
Short based off the first comic of She Hulk by Marvel Comics. Jennifer Walters get shot by henchmen who follow a drug lord named Trask. Bruce Banner also known as the Incredible Hulk who is her cousin saves her life by giving his blood to ...See more Read more: Plot summary ...
In Marvel Studios’ “She-Hulk: Attorney at Law,” Jennifer Walters—an attorney specializing in superhuman-oriented legal case...