“She Walks in Beauty”(《她走在美的光彩中》)是乔治·戈登·拜伦的作品。乔治·戈登·拜伦通常被称为 Lord Byron(拜伦勋爵)。 H.George Gordon Byron, Lord 答案:George Gordon Byron(乔治·戈登·拜伦)。“She Walks in Beauty”(《她走在美的光彩中》)是乔治·戈登·拜伦的作品。乔治·戈登·拜伦通常...
Shewalksinbeauty,likethenight她走在美的光彩中,像夜晚 Ofcloudlessclimesandstarryskies;皎洁无云而且繁星满天;Andallthat’sbestofdarkandbright明与暗的最美妙的色泽 Meetinheraspectandhereyes:在她的仪容和秋波里呈现:Thusmellowedtothattenderlight耀眼的白天只嫌光太强,Whichheaventogaudydaydenies.它比那光亮...
She Walks in Beauty’ is one ofhis shorter, but best-known, poems. It is largely thought to be anodetoAugusta Leigh. 解析: She Walks in Beauty" is afamous poem by British Romantic poet Lord Byron, first published in 1815. Thepoem praises and seeks to capture a sense of the beauty of...
“She Walks in Beauty” Introduction "She Walks in Beauty" is a famous poem by British Romantic poet Lord Byron, first published in 1815. The poem praises and seeks to capture a sense of the beauty of a particular woman. The speaker compares this woman to a lovely night with a clear st...
The first impression that George Byron's "She Walks in Beauty" gives us is "beauty", which is exactly the subject of the poem.Onthe evening of June 11, 1814, Byron attended a party with his friendat the London home. Among the other guests was the wife of Byron’s cousin, who was ...
‘She walks in Beauty’is apoemwritten byLord Byronand is considered to have been Byron’s tribute to the beauty of art[8]Thepoemwas inspired by actual events in Byron’s life. Once while at a ballByronhappened upon a beautiful woman, his cousin's wife, as she walked by. It is a ...
She is the image of peaceful beauty. The woman is unaware of the impact that she’s had on the speaker, who is also the poet, by the end of ‘She Walks in Beauty.’ The speaker is interested in the woman’s inner beauty as well as her outer beauty or physical beauty. The Poem...
Byron -- She Walks in Beauty ROMANTICISMTheSecondGenerationPoets:ByronShelleyKeats WordsworthandColeridgeblazedthewayforthe“secondgeneration”Romanticpoets:LordByronPercyByssheShelleyJohnKeats ComingofageduringtheNapoleonicEra,theseyoungerpoetsrebelledevenmorestronglyagainstBritishconservatism.Allthreediedabroadafter...
The poet describes a woman who “walks in beauty, like the night/Of cloudless climes and starry skies” (lines 1-2). Immediately the light of stars and the shadow of night are brought forth as contrasts, foreshadowing the further contrasts the poet notices regarding this beautiful woman. See...
She Walks in Beauty presents us a dynamic beauty. The word “walk” in the title brings us into her beauty immediately. Usually, people always describe a lady “beautiful”, but here Byron says that she walks in “beauty”. It seems that everything is attracted by her beauty and it is ...