Free access to plans in the She Reads Truth app Exclusive offers on our other great resources 26% savings on each Daily Reading Guide $20/READINGPLAN Select this option Read Independently Choose one of our printed Reading Guides in the bookstore ...
This is She Reads Truth. We work through books of the Bible, topics that matter, and seasons on the church calendar. From one reading plan to the next, we read truth together every day. Amanda, what effect has having “Bible” as your maiden name had on your life? Amanda...
George’s sister had wider interests as well, for she was “very curious in coins and physic,” and “reads very much in physic and history, and procures many of the best books that way”; surely it was her example that inspired George to produce 20 years later his celebration of ...
who have written of the late Civil War, with but few sprinklings of Truth, like as Heat-drops upon a dry barren Ground; knowing no more of the Transactions of those Times, then what they learned in the Gazets, which, for the most part, (out of Policy to amuse and deceive the Peopl...
Most Common Text: Click on the icon to return to and to enjoy and benefit the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when...
Cavendish never did pen “a History of the Historians,” but she did produce an “Heroical” history of “the Life and Actions of my Noble Lord and Husband” (c1v), which encomium she promoted as the “natural plain ... Truth,” unlike the histories of those ...