After you finish reading today’s Scriptures, come back and read the essay here to dig deeper into the ways we see this specific promise at work in our day’s reading. Then join your fellow Bible readers in the comments to reflect on and discuss what you’re learning!
Since the time I first came across, the She Reads Truth website several years ago, I have appreciated their mission of getting women in the Word every day. And they have continued with this mission in their release of the She Reads Truth Bible. In the opening covers, they express it by...
“The She Reads Truth Bible is a very simple concept. It’s just making the Bible accessible for ordinary people to understand the rich Truths of Scripture. For any person in any walk of life. That’s the beauty of the Bible. This is a way for something really simple but really profoun...
This is She Reads Truth. We work through books of the Bible, topics that matter, and seasons on the church calendar. From one reading plan to the next, we read truth together every day. Amanda, what effect has having “Bible” as your maiden name had on your life? Amanda...
CSB She Reads Truth BibleRaechel MyersAmanda Bible Williams
Henderson, Deric