bible readers all over the world The best way to Participate Get Your Guide The She Reads Truth community is reading together every day. We’ll send you a beautiful printed Reading Guide in plenty of time for our upcoming community Reading Plan. ...
This is She Reads Truth. We work through books of the Bible, topics that matter, and seasons on the church calendar. From one reading plan to the next, we read truth together every day. Amanda, what effect has having “Bible” as your maiden name had on your life? Amanda...
Thanks to B&H Publishing Group, I have been reading through Philippians in the She Reads Truth Bible. The Christian Standard Bible is a version that I haven’t read previously as I typically read the New Living Translation or ESV Bible in my study time. Since the time I first came across,...
In this section of our study during Lent, we will unpack these “I Am” sayings from Jesus and consider together who He claimed to be as He made His way to the Cross for our salvation. Who do you say Jesus is? Russ Ramsey is one of the local pastors who serves She Reads Truth &...
Come to Life: A Lenten Study of Ezekiel Upcoming Reading Plans:Do Not Fear—Plan begins on 2/7/2022 Socials: She Reads Truth on Instagram&Facebook Raechel Myers on Instagram Amanda Bible Williams on Instagram Vaneetha Risner on Instagram ...
Mini-Reviews: August Reads What You Wish For by Katherine Center I find Katherine Center’s books to be very readable and this one is no exception. There was heart and emotion from the beginning. She did a good job of illustrating all of the different character motivations in a way that...
If, as one reads in Jeremiah, all of the things pronounced against Babylon must take place, it must include those written in Revelation. Since there are things in Jeremiah which have not yet come to pass, and there are other things pronounced against Babylon that have not seen fruition… It...
itself reads Συχέμ, in ver. 26, and adds, "before the tabernacle of the God of Israel," words implied, but not expressed in the Hebrew. We are therefore driven to the supposition that this gathering was one yet more solemn than the one described in the previous chapter. The ...
George’s sister had wider interests as well, for she was “very curious in coins and physic,” and “reads very much in physic and history, and procures many of the best books that way”; surely it was her example that inspired George to produce 20 years later his celebration of ...
(Karl Marx,The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, 1852; an alternate English translation of Marx’s original German reads: “People make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, ...