Free SVG horse-race (Image) hat (Birthday Hat Image) Frinkiac frinkiac (API) FromSoftware you-died (Image, Original "Dark Souls" Game) Gallery Yopriceville hat (Pilgrim Hat Image) gautamkrishnar be-like-bill (Image) Gawdl3y rename-all (Concept) ...
I finished my Little Lacy Shawl made from gift yarn and I think it turned out well, although using dark fingering weight yarn is not my strong point. I had my younger daughter model it – I know I’ll be using it a lot. I also finished the little 0-3 months sweater WIP from last...
anime-score:See if you can guess what a random anime's score is. antidepressant-or-tolkien:See if you can guess if a word is an Antidepressant or Tolkien character. blackjack:Play a game of blackjack. box-choosing:Do you believe that there are choices in life? Taken from Higurashi Chapter...
Self-hosting is the practice of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting from SaaSS providers. This is a list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted locally. Non-Free software is listed on the Non-Free page. See Contributing. List of Soft...
它解析HTML5,MathML,SVG和CSS,以构建基于官方W3C规范的DOM。可与python的beautifulsoup4相媲美。 AgileMapper - AgileMapper是一个零配置,高度可配置的对象 - 对象映射库,具有可查看的执行计划。 AspNetCore Extension Library - ASP.NET Core扩展库。 AutoMapper - .NET中基于约定的对象关系映射库。 Baget - 轻量级...
Free SVG horse-race (Image) hat (Birthday Hat Image) Frinkiac frinkiac (API) FromSoftware you-died (Image, Original "Dark Souls" Game) Gallery Yopriceville hat (Pilgrim Hat Image) gautamkrishnar be-like-bill (Image) Gawdl3y rename-all (Concept) ...