在B上用sh ip bgp时,第一个和第二个IP是相同的(192。168。1。1)而第三个IP是A的router ID. B再发送这个路由给它的IBGP邻居C, 在C上用sh ip bgp看时, 如果B用了next-hop-self:那么第一个IP和第二个IP是相同的(而第三个IP是B的router ID( 如果B没用ne...
when i first played with ipv6 bgp in 12.3 years back, the only way to view bgp v6 items was via "sh bgp ipv6", and this as far as i recall was meant to be the way forward for v4 too, and 'sh ip bgp' was to be removed in future ios releases. Now im looking at SRE5 in ...
GoBGP is an open source BGP implementation designed from scratch for modern environment and implemented in a modern programming language, the Go Programming Language. Install Try a binary release. Documentation Using GoBGP Getting Started CLI Typical operation examples Complete syntax Route Server Route...
VPX-LB-01#sh ip route bgpNode Id: 0 Gateway of last resort is not setVPX-LB-01# export policies are matching the right routes VPX-LB-01#sh ip bgp prefix-list epg-outNode Id: 0BGP table version is 11, local router ID is codes: s suppressed, d d...
Breadcrumbs rosrbgprouter/ installclashpremium.shLatest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. HistoryHistory File metadata and controls Code Blame 63 lines (48 loc) · 1.42 KB Raw #!/bin/bash apt update apt install bird2 -y echo "开始下载 clash premium" wget https://github....
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