But the GI Bill, he has that. And I used it four years. JE: You went to school where? SS: OU. JE: You’d started out at Northeastern. SS: Yeah. JE: How much time did you have at Northeastern? SS: Oh, about two years. JE: And then you went to Oklahoma University. SS: ...
the leader of the Oklahoma City chapter of BLM, said they proceeded to downtown Oklahoma City Sunday night to ask community members to disperse peacefully and think of their own safety, as well as the safety of all other protesters.
where I had worked for a summer before 9th grade—in the middle of which my dad was transferred to Oklahoma City. I probably learned a lot more there about how government really works than I did from my teachers’ lectures and our class books. ...
(R-Tulsa) under Senate Bill 379 would push through as amendments to Oklahoma’s building laws. Unfortunately the law did not pass approval and therefore was not enacted. After several readings, the bill
181. BUSINESSES Absentee Shawnee Counseling Services (ASCS): ASCS is a tribally-owned clinic located at 5 1301 SE 59th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, specializing in providing out-patient programs for Native and Non-Native treatments for alcohol abuse, methamphetamine and medication assisted treatment...
Mr. Davidson gave a presentation on'Financing Oklahoma', with a focus of working with and serving as bond counsel on the financing for the Li-Si-Wi-Nwi Health, Inc. and potential financing options for proposed potential structure of a stand alone rural water district. Mr. Davidson's client...
Today, no other town in Kansas, Oklahoma has a richer history than Shawnee. The town is in fact filled with monuments and statues such as the life-size statue of Chief Charlie Bluejacket located in the northeast corner of Cody and Johnson Drive. The statue was built in honour of the Shaw...