Colorado Douglas County Aurora S Shawnee Ct 8606 S Shawnee Ct View as owner1/44 Off Market Interested in selling your home? Estimated home value* $837,000 *Estimation is calculated based on tax assessment records, recent sale prices of comparable properties, and other factors. 2bed 2bath 2,...
"I think a little known fact that our tribe doesn't remember, or pay much attention to, was that one of the buildings on this complex was the first Hope House (opened April 1971 and served as a children's shelter) in Pottawatomie County. A lot of people don't know that; but it ...
We were approached by one of the Pottawatomie County Commissioners who requested the Tribe assist them in one of the harder hit areas in Pottawatomie County. We obliged their request to the best we could. It seems that the Pottawatomie Commissioners are going to be good partners with the ...
Kansas Court of Appeals: Shawnee County Judge Right to Rule Topeka Police Search UnlawfulA Shawnee County judge was right to suppress evidence --including marijuana, a handgun and...Wingerter, Justin
Shawnee County District Court Panel Strikes Down Kansas School Finance Law; Attorney General Derek Schmidt AppealingKansas' controversial new school finance law and the cuts it madeto state aid for poorer school...LlopisJepsen, Celia
Shawnee County District Court Panel to Hear Orel Arguments MondayA three-judge panel with the Shawnee County District Court at1:30 p.m. Monday will hear...CapitalJournal, The
Shawnee County Court Spectator Erupts in Epithets When Judge Declines to Lower Bond of Alleged Topeka ShooterWhen a judge denied Ralfeal Eron Carr's motion to lower his bondon Wednesday tied to a shooting...Fry, Steve
A lawsuit alleging discrimination in the Shawnee County DistrictAttorney's Office raises...Ranker, Luke
Shawnee County Commissioners Will Consider Renovating Rooms at District CourtShawnee County commissioners Monday will consider a number ofcontracts including $214,000 for...Ranker, Luke