About a year ago, he started researching shaving with an double-edged safety razor. From there and a little help from me, it snow balled into the perfect vintage shaving kit for men. He still loves these recipes for their smooth close shave! A Good Way to Shave a Buck Ethan, like me,...
Not too many years ago there were a few high-quality, old-school, tallow-based (more on that below) men’s shaving soaps from the established high-end names (Trumper, Taylor Of Old Bond Street, Truefitt & Hill, DR Harris, etc.) that were familiar to those who use a safety razor; a...
Point being, if we’re talking what has consistently worked for me, pinpointing an exact process or method is difficult. As a result any product(s) that guarantee shaving success are always on my radar. Enter The Art of Shaving’s Four Elements of the Perfect Shave kit. Consisting of a ...