shave biopsySummaryBackground Diagnostic biopsy of basal cell carcinoma and other skin tumours may be necessary prior to definitive treatment.L.C. SmithDepartment of DermatologyN.H. CoxDepartment of DermatologyG. DawnDepartment of Dermatology
this is the first study using such methods. Secondary intention healing is the most elemental form of wound closure and the most basic technique in the reconstructive ladder, but it is often overlooked by surgeons who are familiar with more ...
Shave biopsy may impair accuracy.(Skin Disorders)MacNeil, Jane Salodof
L.C. SmithN.H. CoxG. DawnBlackwell Publishing LtdSmith LC, Cox NH, Dawn G. Shave biopsy without local anaesthetic to diagnose basal cell carcinoma and other skin tumours prior to definitive treatment: analysis of 109 lesions. Br J Dermatol. 2009;160(1):180-182....
To assess the ability of flow cytometry (FC) to detect putative neoplastic T-cell subsets on skin shave biopsy (SSB) specimens from patients with mycosis fungoides (MF) and to study the immunophenotype of skin-infiltrating tumor cells in MF.SSB specimens from patients with suspected MF were ...
Horna P, Kurant D, Sokol L, Sotomayor EM, Moscinski L, Glass LF. Flow cytometric identification of immunophenotypically aberrant T-cell clusters on skin shave biopsy specimens from patients with mycosis fungoides. Am J Clin Pathol. 2015;143(6):785-796. doi:10.1309/AJCPWE2HBFCGDIDS....
Kurt, GrelckSean, SukalLes, RosenGabriel P., Suciu. (2013) Incidence of Residual Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer in Excisions After Shave Biopsy. Dermatologic Surgery 39 , 374-380 /Grelck K., et al. , “ Incidence of residual nonmelanoma skin cancer in excisions after shave biopsy ,” Dermatol....