For suspected nail melanoma, a nail matrix shave biopsy is sufficient, "unless you suspect advanced melanoma, which is characterized clinically by a dystrophic nail plate in addition to the pigmentation," Dr. Unexplained changes in nail warrant biopsy In an effort to reduce disfiguring surgery for...
A deep shave biopsy (saucerization)--not a punch biopsy--is usually the procedure of choice when biopsying a lesion suspected to be melanoma. Biopsies for skin cancer detection: Dispelling the myths: This review debunks 5 myths and provides the information you need to perform rapid, high-qual...
Punch or excisional biopsy is appropriate for rashes and lesions involving the deeper dermis and subcutis. Pigmented lesions should be approached with respect; many can be excised with shave biopsy, but any suspected of being malignant melanoma should be evaluated by a cancer specialist....