6.1. Carpal tunnel syndrome.Entrapment of the median nerve in the wrist due to arthritis, hypothyroidism,diabetes mellitusor wrist overuse can cause pain, tingling and numbness in the first 3 fingers (thumb, index and middle) and the related part of the palmar side of the hand, wrist or for...
Lebanon. Yes, that place where there was a civil war going on and hundreds of Marines were blown up in one of America’s first tastes of terrorism. As a blonde haired American in a city that hated the West, he was bound for trouble in the form of a kidnapping by Hezbollah. It is ...
So why is Hollywood shooting a remake? YouTube, 2007, bears some passing similarity to Napster, 2001. Founded by a couple guys in a garage, rocketed to popular success, heavily capitalized by a deep-pocketed giant. Its business model? Turn popularity into dollars and offer a share to the...