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SHARP夏普PN-L702B Pen软件说明书.PDF,SHARP Pen Software Version 2.2 OPERATION MANUAL Contents Introduction 3 Importing a Document as an Image (Pen Software Starting and Exiting the Software 4 Printer Driver)18 Pen Software modes and how to start the modes
SHARP夏普PN-L702B Touch Panel Driver操作手册.PDF,PN-L702B LCD MONITOR TOUCH PANEL DRIVER Version 2.1 OPERATION MANUAL Contents Setting up the PC 3 Installing the touch panel driver 3 This manual explains the installation and configuration of Touch Panel
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SHARP PN-L702B Pen Software v2.2 Operation Manual
SHARP PN-L702B Touch Panel Driver Operation Manual
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SHARP Pen Software Version 3.8 OPERATION MANUAL Applicable models (as of November 2019) Available models differ according to region. PN-L series (PN-40TC1/PN-50TC1/PN-60TA3/PN-60TB3/PN-60TW3/PN-60TW3A/PN-65TH1/PN-70TA3/PN-70TB3/PN-70TH5/ PN-70TW3/PN-70TW3A/PN-75TH1/PN-80...
SHARP夏普PN-E521&E601操作手册.PDF,PN-E601 PN-E521 LCD MONITOR OPERATION GUIDE Contents Part Names 3 Basic Operation 5 Menu Items 7 Displaying the menu screen7 List of menu items 8 Menu item details 10 Adjustments for PC screen display 16 Initialization (