1.首先点击屏幕左下角的“开始”菜单。 2.选择“设备和打印机”。 3.在打开的“打印机和传真”窗口中,右键点击“打印机”。 4.选择“打印首选项”,在附加功能中点击“双面打印(手动)”。 点击“确定”即可设置双面打印00分享举报您可能感兴趣的内容广告 中国区-江诗丹顿维修服务尊达总店(全国包邮) 江诗丹顿维修...
Sharp MX-2640N | MX-3140N | MX-3640N 26 / 31 / 36 Pages Per Minute in B&W and Color Standard 1200DPI PCL6 and PS printing for Windows and Mac Apple AirPrint Enabled Hi-Res 10.1” color multi-touch screen interface Network Scanning – Email, Folders, USB, FTP ...
MX-2640N/MX-3140N/MX-3640N Copier Large 10.1″ high resolution touch-screen with tilt view Real-time image preview with flick, tap, slide, pinch and zoom capabilities Standard network ready PCL® 6 and true Adobe® PostScript® 3™ printing systems ...
Sharp models that are available for download on this page: MX-3070N, MX-3570N, MX-4070N, MX-3050N, MX-3550N, MX-4050N, MXM266N, MXM316N, MXM356N, MX2615N, MX3115N, MX2640N, MX3140N, MX3640N, MX4140N, MX4141N, MX5140N, MX5141N, MX2610N, MX3110N, MX3610N, MX4110...
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