sharp n (musical note) (音乐)半升音调You need to play a sharp here, not a natural.你在演奏时这里不能是本位,得升高半个音。 sharp n (musical symbol: #) (音乐)升音符号The pianist did not notice the sharp at the top of page two, and played the wrong note.钢琴师没有注意到第二... accidental that raises the pitch of the following note by two semitones. Usual symbol: b.a note affected by this accidental adj (Music, other) (immediately postpositive) denoting a note of a given letter name raised in pitch by two semitones ...
Another musical symbol is the double sharp. A double-sharp is the equivalent of two sharps, and raises a note’s pitch by two semitones (a whole tone). This symbol is similar to a bold x, and is placed before a note like other accidentals. Its height is one staff space, and it ...
2 If Link plays the "", which cures every other spirit in the game, Sharp will react and say how soothing the song is, but quickly regain his demeanor and say it is too late for him to be healed.[14] Nomenclature Sharp is a musical symbol which denotes a higher pitch. His German ...
· I need a sharp pencil for this drawing. 我需要一支尖锐的铅笔来画这张图。 副词 · 修饰动词: · He spoke sharply to his son. 他尖锐地对儿子说话。 · 修饰形容词或副词: · The pain was very sharp. 疼痛非常剧烈。 名词 · 作主语: · A sharp is a musical symbol that raises the pit...
1)sharp,高半音符号,升号2)up symbol,升符号3)sound symbol,声音符号4)acoustic sign,音响符号5)Music semiotic,音乐符号6)Syllable piding mark,隔音符号 英汉例句 Musical activity is a particular means of feeling contact that accomplished by composer,performer and listener with prettyacoustic signs underway...
b. (in musical notation) the symbol ♯ indicating this. [before 900; (adj.) Middle English; Old English scearp, c. Old Frisian, Old Saxon skarp, Old High German skar(p)f, Old Norse skarpr] sharp′ly, adv. sharp′ness, n. syn: sharp, keen, intelligent, quick may all be ...
(in musical notation) the symbol ♯ indicating this. Sharp 2 [shahrp] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun WilliamFiona Macleod,1855?–1905,Scottish poet and critic. Discover More Other Words From sharp lyadverb sharp nessnoun o ver·sharp adjective ...