These sharps and flats at the beginning are called key signatures. It is important to note that there are also notes called accidental notes. These are notes that are indicated by a sign of flat, sharp, or an x marking placed directly to the left of, or above, a note to show...
When it comes to portraying the D Harmonic Minor scale on treble clef, we start with ‘D’ on line four of the staff (count from below), followed by E, F, G, A, B flat (represented by a flat symbol before the note), C sharp(using a sharp symbol before note) and finally resolv...
In this lesson, we learn how to play the C sharp major scale. This scale consists of the pitchesC♯, D♯, E♯, F♯, G♯, A♯, and B♯. Its key signature as 7 sharps. The relative minor of C sharp major is A sharp minor. C sharp is the enharmonic equivalent of D...
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