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Garcia-Reyero N, Kroll KJ, Liu L, Orlando EF, Watanabe KH, Sepulveda MS, Villeneuve DL, Perkins EJ, Ankley GT, Denslow ND: Gene expression responses in male fathead minnows exposed to binary mixtures of an estrogen and antiestrogen. BMC Genomics. 2009, 10: 308- PubMed Central PubMed Goo...
Ihle, James N., et al. (1997) Stem Cells, 15 (Suppl 1):105-11, “Jaks and Stats in cytokine signaling”. Krajina, Tamara, et al., (2003) Eur. J. Immunol, 33:1073-1O83, “Colonic lamina propria dendritic cells in mice with CD4+ T cell-induced colitis”. Levy, David E....
Table 1 Sampling information on the green crabCarcinus aestuariiincluding collection sites, countries, Mediterranean basins, regions, geographic coordinates, and number of examined specimens (N) per each location. Genetic diversity measures (including number of haplotype (Nh), number of polymorphic sites...
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