As you ascend the tree and draw near it, it depresses its plumage and crest, stretches up its neck, and becomes the very picture of fear. Other birds, under like circumstances, hardly change their expression at all till they launch into the air, when by their voice they express anger ...
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. sharp Any medical instrument with a sharp point or edge, especially an injection needle or a disposable scalpel, that, handled carelessly may inflict injury or dangerous infection on the user. ...
CardiologyAclinicaltrial–SubcutaneousHeparin&AngioplastyRestenosisTrialthatevaluatedeffectsofhighdoseunfractionatedheparininpreventingrestenosisafterPCTAinPtswithCAD.SeeCoronary artery disease,Heparin,Percutaneoustransluminalangioplasty. McGraw-HillConciseDictionaryofModernMedicine.©2002byTheMcGraw-HillCompanies,Inc. ...
Teleosts are characterized by a remarkable breadth of sexual mechanisms including various forms of hermaphroditism. Sparidae is a fish family exhibiting gonochorism or hermaphroditism even in closely related species. The sparid Diplodus puntazzo (sharpsn