Builds binaries using CeGCC. Requires CeGCC to be accessible from PATH. Requires POSIX compliant environment. Use brain.bat for Windows build of CeGCC. evc4proj/: eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 project. Just open the .vcw file and build, with a SDK installed. Requires Windows machine...
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SH was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Erasmus Mundus program (ENC network) and Labex Brain (PhD extension program). TB benefited from status grant 4/5/2012-15 and JG was supported by the Program "Information technologies: Research and their interdisciplinary applications" UDA-POKL 04.01...
The efficacy of approaches such as physical activity, strength and cognitive training for improving brain health has not been established [4]; however, results from small, short-term trials are encouraging and support the larger, more definitive trials necessary to establish efficacy and prevention ...
This could be a splashform or something which requires 6 brains, a sort of alternative use of the mem hogging image control, though gifs are small- the rest proves this is not anything finished but you can use the parts- no pun intended, i mean no brain intended, you can also load ...