日本液晶电视龙头厂Sharp 30日发布新闻稿宣布,将于今(2010)年11月15日推出内藏3D蓝光光盘(BD)播放器的「AQUOS Quattron 3D」LB系列3D液晶电视机种,尺寸计有46吋和52吋2款,初期月产台数为5,000台。 新闻稿指出,LB系列产品的面板融合了Sharp次世代液晶面板技术「UV2A」、「4原色技术」、「FRED技术(Frame Rate ...
一部《阿凡达》点燃了消费者对于3D影像的热情,但是到目前为止,3D片源依然十分稀缺,作为行业的领导者,夏普深知丰富的3D影片资源对于消费者和3D液晶电视产业的重要性,因此在本次发布AQUOS Quattron 3D液晶电视的同时,正式与中录华纳家庭娱乐有限公司达成合作。在发布会上,中录华纳家庭娱乐有限公司代表Tony Vaughan向记者表...
绝无仅有,高亮度、低串扰※1、鲜明的3D影像 4项革新技术,实现了大画面的3D液晶电视产品型号:LCD-60LV925A产品状态:停产 产品价格:面议品牌:夏普Sharp 产品介绍 产品参数 相关附件 产品图片 产品附件 享受高明亮度的3D画面,「AQUOS Quattron(四色技术)3D」3D诞生 ...
第1款:SHARP夏普60UG30A 4K智能电视3d智能电视 SHARP夏普60UG30A 4K智能电视是一款令人印象深刻的设备,采用日本原装AQUOS液晶面板。凭借3840×2160的超高清分辨率和广色域光学膜片,这款电视再现更宽广的色域,提升色彩饱和度,让观众享受更加自然的色彩和强烈的临场感。新智能对比度增强技术分析每个像素单位的亮度,通过...
四项革新技术,实现AQUOS更快的高速响应。 Quattron(贵丽泷)四色技术 FRED技术(3D显示屏高速液晶驱动技术) 为了实现3D显示,传统方式是使用两条信号线驱动液晶,但此次采用了夏普X超晶面板,搭载特有的光传递技术“UV2A”,该技术响应速度快,仅使用1条信号线就能高速驱动液晶。液晶面板内的配线及零部件变少,光利用效率提...
AN-3DG30 3D Glasses Sharp’s advanced AN-3DG30 active shutter 3D glasses provide an attractive component to the AQUOS® Quattron™ 3D experience. When matched with the LC-90LE745U through LC-60LE745U and LC-80LE844U as well the 845 series, the AN-3DG30 off ers a unique set of...
Very Cheap Sharp AQUOS Quattron 40-inch LC-40LE835 1080p 3D LED LCD HDTVThe Best LED HDTVs
AQUOS XLED is the new home entertainment display which combines the best part of LCD TV and OLED TV. Read More Sharp 8K Technology 8K UHD Reality Will Overwhelm You Turning images into reality—Amazingly high resolution brings realistic depth to the screen Read More Captures real beauty 7 Perfe...
Sharp announced a line of new televisions and one in particular it thinks will be a “game changer” in the Full HD/4K space, the Quattron Plus television, with 10 million more subpixels than 1080p displays.
Sharp used the CES presentation hall to exhibit the full lineup of AQUOS Quattron, Quattron 3D, and the advanced technology behind AQUOS, centered on the large-screen models (70-inch/60-inch). The vision for GALAPAGOS was introduced on a mini-stage, while a touch and try corner allowed fo...