21 Turning the Power On 22 Language Setting 22 Appendix Turning Off the LCD Backlight and Indications 23 RS-232C port specifications41 Using AQUOS LINK 23 BD/DVD/CD Playback 24 – 27 Troubleshooting 42 – 43 Opening the front panel door 24 On-screen Error Messages 43 Loading a Disc 24 ...
At this point the corrupt job that is stuck in either the rendering or spooling phase should be removed from both the computer/server, and from the Sharp copier/printer so you can resume regular printing activity. For additional comprehensive instructions for setup and troubleshooting of Sharp copi...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) SHARP夏普LC-65RX1H液晶彩色电视机说明书.PDF 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 H S I L G N E ) 體 繁 ( LC-65RX1H 文 中 ) 體 簡 ( LCD COLOUR TELEVISION 文 液晶彩色電視機 中 液晶彩色電視機 OPERATION MANUAL 使用說明...