* Updated 2025年3月3日星期一 9時42分54秒 Sharm el-Sheikh time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Clear. 25 / 17 °C Humidity: 39%. Wind: 14 km/h↑from North ...
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt (EG)Medium airport Visit official website METAR NOTAMS Runways Frequencies Operators and Destinations IATA CodeSSH ICAO CodeHESH FAA Code Latitude27.9773006 Longitude34.3950005 Time ZoneAfrica/Cairo (GMT +2:00) Weather Observations ...
Currently:24 °C. Sunny. (Weather station: Sharm El Sheikhintl, Egypt).See more current weather Sharm el-Sheikh Extended Forecast with high and low temperatures °C Time Wind (km/h) Temp (°C) 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Sharm Reef Hotel is a hotel in Egypt.Map Directions Satellite Photo MapLocales in the AreaSharm el-Sheikh Photo: Svetlana Grechkina, CC BY-SA 2.0. Sharm el-Sheikh is a large resort at the south tip of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt....
Novotel Coralia Sharm El Sheikh is a hotel inSouth Sinai,Egypt. MapDirectionsSatellitePhoto Map Sharm el-Sheikh Photo:Svetlana Grechkina,CC BY-SA 2.0. Sharm el-Sheikhis a large resort at the south tip of theSinaiPeninsula inEgypt. Novotel Coralia Sharm El Sheikh ...
Elevate your vacation with a stay at one of our luxury chalets & villas, offering ample space for entertaining and more at Four Seasons Resort Sharm el Sheikh.
Sharm El Sheikh 离线地图和旅行指南更多来自此开发人员的 App 缅甸 离线地图和旅行指南 旅游 仰光 离线地图和旅行指南 旅游 釜山广域市 离线地图和旅行指南 韩国 离线地图和旅行指南 旅游 巴厘岛 离线地图和旅行指南 冰岛 离线地图和旅行指南 旅游 Melbourne 离线地图和旅行指南 ...
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egyptian resort town on the southeastern coast of the Sinai Peninsula. The area was occupied from 1967 to 1982 by the Israelis, who began building the town as a tourist destination. Its development as such continued after being returned
Four Seasons Resort Sharm El Sheikh is a world-class diving resort on Egypt's Red Sea offering elegant accommodations, fine dining, a luxury spa and more.
关于埃及沙姆沙伊赫四季度假酒店 (Four Seasons Resort Sharm El Sheikh Egypt) 享受奢华度假:埃及沙姆沙伊赫四季度假酒店 埃及沙姆沙伊赫四季度假酒店是位于埃及沙姆沙伊赫的一家五星级酒店,提供多种设施和服务。客人可以在酒店的商店购物,或者在酒吧享受饮品。酒店还提供洗衣服务、夜总会、餐厅、客房服务、保险箱、美容...