The great whites apparently knew how to find the choicest whale flesh. One shark nibbled its way down a carcass, "like eating corn on the cob," Hammerschlag said. Several times, researchers watched sharks swallow blubber and barf it back up, then immediately tear off another piece, seemingly...
Here we (1) describe new observations of whale carcass scavenging behaviour by white (Carcharodon carcharias) and tiger (Galeocerdo cuvier) sharks, and (2) review the scientific and grey literature on the topic. Our new observations are from the east coast of New South Wales, Australia and ...
There is little chance for a film crew to follow a harpooned whale carcass for days through the South African oceans as oceanic whitetip sharks and great white sharks gorge themselves on its blubber and while whaling is understandably banned the incredible footage that was recorded during the ...
The first thing people often think is that sharks will eat anyanimal carcass they come across. This isn’t true. Summary Sharks usually eat small fat and squid. Sharks generally don’t eat people because we’re too big for them. While sharks eat dead bodies, they prefer live prey. ...
The great white shark has a similar diet to a tiger shark but enjoys feeding on decaying whale carcass. Sharks play an integral role, as a scavenger and a predator, in all levels of the ocean food chain. Questions How do you classify a tiger shark and a great white shark in terms ...
—'Unimaginable' video shows great white sharks ripping humpback whale carcass to shreds Scientists assume that great white sharks give birth in warm temperate and tropical waters, but they have not identified specific shark nurseries. Gestation is thought to take about a year, after which a female...
"I applaud anything that helps (the orcas) through the short term, but the long term is what we really have to look at - and that's the restoration of wild salmon stocks throughout Washington state,'' Ken Balcomb, senior scientist with the Center for Whale Research, said Tuesday. Bal...
In the field of feeding ecology alone, there are multiple examples of animals breaking the "rules" we've set for them. If the plant-eating shark was a shock, what about supposedly strict vegetarians turning to meat? Althoughcarcass-eating bunniesandcannibal hippopotamusesmay sound like something...
In the field of feeding ecology alone, there are multiple examples of animals breaking the "rules" we've set for them. If the plant-eating shark was a shock, what about supposedly strict vegetarians turning to meat? Althoughcarcass-eating bunniesandcannibal hippopotamusesmay sound like something...
THIS was not how Mackay man Kerry Warren expected to see his first whale. The 24-year-old and two mates were returning to Seaforth from a fishing trip at the Smith group of islands on Sunday when they came across this whale carcass (above). C[pounds sterling]When we were coming back...