Business Takeaway:It's not enough to have a good idea; you have to proveyour unique valuewith acomprehensive competitor analysis. On a high-stakes stage such as Shark Tank or any presentation environment, having a vague idea isn't enough. You need to know why your idea will thrive and st...
He valued leadership the most and disliked stubbornness. As for his confidence in his tank shark presentation, he said he was extremely confident in his team’s idea! Then, Fiona shared her answers. She said that she would ...
“if Kevin offers me . . ., then I will . . .” Know which shark you would prefer; know which one(s) you do not want to work with. Know what your absolute limits are. It’s too easy to get caught up in the excitement when you are in the tank. You have to ...
Breathometer at Shark Tank: Season 5, Episode 2 Investment: Raised $1m for 30% equity from Kevin O'Leary, Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec Why did Breathometer fail? The idea sounded great – obvious from the fact that all five sharks wanted in on the action and ...
They then smashed theShark Tank presentationformat. They rubbed raw chicken across a countertop to carry out a direct comparison with a chemical-based product. They closed the pitch with Kevin demonstrating their product’s safety by spraying some into his mouth. ...
Steve Gadlin is one of the greatest entrepreneurs to ever enter the tank. There is nothing not to love about this quirky guy. His business idea is amazing and his presentation was bold, innovative and infused with his own personality. Steve not only delivered his pitch in the form of a so...
Having worked closely with my Techstars pitch coach while in the program was a tremendous advantage for feeling more prepared when entering the tank! My Demo Day was just four months before filming and I tapped into several presentation tips that we had practiced together, like planting my feet...
When sisters Arum, Dawoon, and Soo Kang appeared onShark Tankin 2015, they were offering the sharks a 5%equitystake for $500,000. Impressed with the presentation and the product, Mark Cuban made the largest offer in the show’s history—$30 million to buy the entire company. Not wanting...
They work really hard to prepare an exciting presentation.They go before the Sharks and present their business idea, making sure they’re entertaining as well as informative. (This is TV, after all.) Woe to them if they’re boring. Kiss of death. (Good thing to remember.) ...
When sisters Arum, Dawoon, and Soo Kang appeared onShark Tankin 2015, they were offering the sharks a 5%equitystake for $500,000. Impressed with the presentation and the product, Mark Cuban made the largest offer in the show’s history—$30 million to buy the entire company. Not wanting...