When she first moved to Los Angeles in 1978, Michelle Pfeiffer got swept up in a cult run by a “very controlling” couple who put her on a dangerously restrictive diet. The couple promoted breatharianism, a theory that people can live off sunlight without consuming food or water. “I wasn...
When she first moved to Los Angeles in 1978, Michelle Pfeiffer got swept up in a cult run by a “very controlling” couple who put her on a dangerously restrictive diet. The couple promoted breatharianism, a theory that people can live off sunlight without consuming food or water. “I wasn...
At this time her immature daughter shark (F2 born in 2009) was introduced into the same tank as her. F1 started laying eggs again the following season (2014/15). Live embryos were observed in 6 of the 47 eggs and monitored until they were all deceased between 35 and 94 days of ...