‘Shark Tale’ (2004) Dreamworks did not let up with the big-name actors for this admittedly middling (maybe lower-middling) animated comedy about shark mobsters. Career-long movie mafiosos voiced characters, with talent including Robert DeNiro, Martin Scorsese, and multiple “Sopranos” stars. Th...
Why you might like it:Those intrigued byShark Tale’s tale of outcasts will find Mulan's story compelling as she defies societal norms to chart her own path. This animated feature artfully explores themes of bravery and self-empowerment, mirroring the thematic essence of Oscar's quest in the...
Shark Tale Will Smith, Robert De Niro, Renée Zellweger 596 votes DreamWorks' colorful 2004 animated comedy Shark Tale puts an irreverent spin on familiar fish-out-of-water tropes as it tells the story of an unlikely friendship between an ambitious fish named Oscar (voiced by Will Smith) and...
When the panic hit and the beaches were closed, the “Sea Wolf”, as it came to be known, even traveled miles up freshwater Matawan Creek in its relentless hunt for human meat.By the end of the shark’s rampage, 5 people had been attacked, only 1 of whom survived to tell the tale...
Financial Idioms Wikipedia ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.shark repellent- a measure undertaken by a corporation to discourage unwanted takeover attempts porcupine provision measure,step- any maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal; "the situation called...
Finally, something a *little* bit less sensational. This 1971 documentary follows the quest to film a great white shark underwater for the first time. The doc doesn’t exactly diminish the shark’s reputation as a killer, but it’s an interesting tale nonetheless. ...
as an Angry Whale as this orca knows no stopping. Animal simulators give you the opportunity to observe the wildlife and sea animal life from a close perspective. Angry Whale Simulator 2016 will give you that chance of controlling a whale that attacks and eat underwater animals and humans ...
It drops them on the unsuspecting public as the city is drenched. Finley has to fight his way to Beverly Hills to make sure his family is safe. The cultural impact of this movie immediately made it one of the best shark movies.Deep Blue Sea (1999)Another tale that proves that humans ...
Woo, Joyce. “Shark tale: Hong Kong’s use of fins as a delicacy under fire.”Washingtonpost.com. The Washington Post, September 5, 2010. Monterey Bay Aquarium.“Bycatch: Learning to Catch with Care.” C. Michael Hogan. “Overfishing.”The Encyclopedia of Earth.July 24, 2012. ...
of the absurd and grotesque is my impression that neither the level on the horror-o-meter nor on the cheese-o-meter are strong enough - the execution of the premise (shark-mutants on the moon) is rather too tame and lame, and simply does not take full advantage of that crazy tale. ...