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其中,/etc/apt/sources.list的英文Raspbian系统-apt源的配置文件,包含了大部分的软件。/etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspi.list的英文树莓考法1apt源的配置文件,由树莓派基金会单独提供维护,仅包含raspi-config, ,minecraftpi树莓派桌面环境,内核固件驱动等少量软件,国内目前只有清华大学和中国科技大学提供有该apt源的...
On capture where the source and destination ports are the same, add the call server ip address in the protocol preferences to allow the correct decoding.ua3g_freeseating_ipv6.pcap Freeseating message: ipv6 addresses (filter ua3g.ip.freeseating.parameter.ipv6)...
Now you can select on any packet to check that particular packet. After clicking on a particular packet, you can see the information about different layers of TCP/IP Protocol associated with it. You can also see the RAW data of that particular packet at the bottom as shown in the image b...