If you examine sharkskin under a microscope, you can see it is made up of many small, sharp tooth-like scales which are called denticles. These denticles canalise the water flowing over them and reduce drag. Academic researchers have found that they can slip through the water at speeds of...
almost like suede. Reverse direction and it’s rough like sandpaper. Viewed under a microscope, shark skin is composed of ribbed, dragonesque scales layered over each other like shingles on a roof. These structures
Ventral skin patches (,0.25 cm2) were excised from the centre of the maximum ventral photophore density area of specimens from 37 distinct species (Supplementary Data 1) and photographed under a binocular microscope (Leica MZ6, Wetzlar, Germany). Pictures were analysed in Image J v. 1.46 ...
(EDS) in the scanning electron microscope to show that the enameloid is chemically homogeneous. Based on field-emission scanning electron microscopy, as well as Raman microspectroscopic imaging, we then demonstrate and quantify an unusual graded microarchitecture of the enameloid. Finally, we show ...
More advanced osteolepiforms, like Eusthenopteron (Figure 2), from the Late Devonian of Canada, lost the cosmine layer and had rounded scales. The largest of these predatory lobe-fins were the rhizodontiforms, which dominated the lakes and rivers of the late Devonian-Carboniferous. Forms ...
The residue was then sorted under a binocular microscope. The fossils from the indurated sandstone of Wang Din So were collected and mechanically prepared by an avocational palaeontol- ogist, Paladej Srisuk. For imaging, most specimens were mounted on alu- minium stubs using a gluestick or ...
3). The smooth mats are well laminated and microscope analyses indicated that they are dominated by filamentous cyanobacteria, such as Coleofasciculus (i.e., Microcoleus) chthonoplastes and Schizothrix helva (Fig. 4). Pustular mats in the upper intertidal zone have unlaminated fabrics and are...
In over temporal scales, or assessing the prokaryotic addition, both heterotrophic aerobic and anaerobic populations of the surrounding seawater. This latter bacteria, which synthesize low-molecular weight feature is particularly important in attempting to organic compounds and amorphous exopolymers, assign ...
Close-up photographs of the teeth and scales were taken with a Nikon D7500 DSLR camera with a mounted Laowa 25 mm 2.8 2.5-5x Ultra-Macro lens or a mounted Plan 10 microscope lens. In addition, photographs were taken under ultraviolet (UV) light following the technique described in Tisch...
It is extracted from different part of fish such as bones, scales, skin, swim bladder, and fins. Currently, collagen from the marine organism has been widely investigated due to its excellent biological activity with low or no side effect as an alternative to mammalian collagen [1,2]. ...