Shark Navigator 吸尘器 (NV22L),原价$149.99,现仅售$89.99,免运费。此价格比今年12月15日Amazon的闪购价还要低,当时的闪购价为$99.99。 此款吸尘器重量轻,灵动便捷,配备有高级宠物毛发清洁工具与宠物用电刷,大容量,底空尘杯,可轻松扩展长度的管子。 [ Shop Now ] 21 好东东 20 好价格 评委名单 (41 人)...
The hose is compatible with a range of SHARK models, including the NV356E S2 Navigator Lift Away Professional, NV42 Navigator Deluxe Upright Vacuum, NV105 Vacuum Navigator Light Review, and the NV22L parts. This versatility makes it a valuable addition to your cleaning arsenal, ready to ...