Instead of keeping a relentless search for licensed loan sharks, We recommend that you should first contact someone from your local credit union. If you want to read more information about payday loans, you can follow this section. And if you or somebody you know of have been scammed or nee...
(e) a supplier of private loans at maximum interest; a loan shark n. 1912 1920193019401950196019701980 1989 1912 Ade Knocking the Neighbors 35: He called on the License Clerk, a Presbyterian Minister and the Weekly Payment Shark. 1914 Bulletin (Sydney) 12 Nov. 36/2: The other day a Brisb...
Would LOVE to see episodes where the shark tank crowd goes BACK in time to be asked by Henry Ford, PT Barnum, Edison, etc for loans to start up their enterprises… All could wear period costumes and speak in terms of money/circumstances of the time. Reply Terry Finn says November 15...