Bape s Bape 1st Camo Shark Hoodie Side Zip $283$35019% off See Similar over 5 years ago(almost 7 years) Bape s Bape 1st camo shark hoodie $319$45029% off See Similar almost 7 years ago(almost 8 years) Bape xl BAPE 1ST CAMO SHARK HOODIE (RED) ...
BAPEis celebrating the 20th anniversary of its SHARK FULL ZIP HOODIE with a lineup of exciting new releases. This includes the debut of the SHARK STA, a brand new sneaker model that embodies the spirit, attitude, fabrication and design DNA of the iconic hoodies. Boasting a chunky silhouette,...
BAPE’s previously teased BAPESTA Mid will get a partner in crime thanks to its latest preview. The Japanese imprint will soon release its Low iteration of the classic BAPESTA silhouette, again hosting similar Shark detailing on its Mid model. Its shark detailing will be found behind a translu...
Bape 4 of 4 Bape 繼「Space Camo」Shark Hoodie 正式登场之後,BAPE 再馬不停蹄地呈上新作,為 Shark Hoodie帶來另一款全新設計「Check Camo」。此番,設計師將 BAPE 經典的迷彩圖案與格紋元素相結合,並以紅藍、黃黑的配色組合呈現,而經典的全尺寸拉鏈以及「鯊魚頭」圖案也得以保留,為冬日搭配再添新選擇。
在昨日預告經典 STA CAMO 的回歸後,日本街頭品牌A Bathing Ape正式帶來全新的 STA CAMO SHARK 系列。該系列包括拉鏈連帽衫與運動短褲兩款單品,設計上則是將黑灰與藍黑二色 STA CAMO 迷彩圖案與另一BAPE經典元素 SHARK 結合呈現。這個 STA CAMO SHARK 系列將於 5 月 13 日開始在 BAPE 青山、京都與 DSMG 門店...