OK well, Airbnb say they operate in 34,000 cities and have 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments. In fact, we could say they're the market-leader in this industry - the main, most successful company. Finn There are many companies doing very sim...
C.AttheentrancetotheStateApartments. 附:听力原文 (Text1) W:DoyoureallythinkthatTinaisindebt,John? M:No,notatall.Ithinkthatshe’slying. W:ButIheardthesamethingfrombothLindaandLisa. (Tee.HowcanIgettothenearestsupermarket? W:It’sonPenningsRoad.Gopastthepostofficeandit’sonyourleft. ...
RobOK well, Airbnb say they operate in 34,000 cities and have 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments. In fact, we could say they're themarket-leaderin this industry - the main, most successful company. FinnThere are ...
Examples include Airbnb for apartments, Blablacar for cars and Peerby for tools. These sharing platforms increasingly form a threat to existing businesses operating in the respective sectors (Gansky, 2010, Owyang, 2013). Apart from having economic consequences, the sharing economy is claimed to ...
We were able to use the shower in one of the finished apartments with permission from its current guest. Agreement to volunteer In the agreement we made with the hosts volunteer co-ordinator, we were given all the information we needed. This included hours we were expected to be available, ...
M:Excuseme.HowcanIgettothenearestsupermarket? W:It’sonPenningsRoad.Gopastthepostofficeandit’sonyourleft. 2.Wheredoestheconversationprobablytakeplace? A.Inasupermarket. B.Inthepostoffice. C.Inthestreet. 答案C W:CanIcometoseeyouatteno’clock,Mr.Jones?
Tours start throughout the day from the Courtyard and finish at the entrance to the State Apartments.However,visitors arriving at the castle after 3:00 pm from March to October are advised to visit St。George’s Chapel first before it closes. ...
Tours start throughout the day from the Courtyard and finish at the entrance to the State Apartments。However,visitors arriving at the castle after 3:00 pm from March to October are advised to visit St.George’s Chapel first before it closes. Shops offer many kinds of souvenirs,including ...
That is, apartments withdrawn from Airbnb can become available for long-term rent, or owners may sell them. Thus, the price and the quantity of available flats can be affected by such changes (Boros et al., 2020). Trojanek et al. (2021) have provided evidence that the Airbnb ...
OK well, Airbnb say they operate in 34,000 cities and have 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments. In fact, we could say they're themarket-leaderin this industry - the main, most successful company. Finn There are many companies doing v...