Investing in China A-shares: quality for foreign investors
而鹏华的产品涵盖了沪深、香港、主流行业、主流宽基、大宗商品等品种后,本身也具备了资产配置平台的潜力。 而把“潜力”转变为“实力”的,就是鹏华Ashares品牌以及强大的团队。 “鹏华Ashares”是鹏华基金提出的指数基金品牌,它不仅确立了“主流宽基指数+特色行业指数+策略增强指数”的发展主线,还提供了相应的丰富的...
the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE). Historically, China A-shares were only available for purchase by mainland citizens due to China's restrictions on foreign investment.A股
并且在2019年后,陆续推出了一批特色化的细分指数产品和以创50为代表的特色宽基指数。 进入2022年,鹏华基金在指数产品布局上,又从细分赛道拓展到以创50为代表的特色宽基指数,并且打造了鹏华Ashares指数品牌。Ashares指数品牌,是为投资者提供一站式解决方案的产品工具箱。通过足够细分和差异化的产品,不同目标的投资者...
China's economic growth for a share have underestimated the value of high-yield characteristics, it is represented as an emerging market, a share to meet the need for outside pension decentralized investment. As a huge amount of long-term funds, foreign pension to rely on a diversified asset...
鹏华Ashares指数周更新 宣传推介材料风险揭示书如下 尊敬的投资者: 投资有风险,投资需谨慎。公开募集证券投资基金(以下简称“基金”)是一种长期投资工具,其主要功能是分散投资,降低投资单一证券所带来的个别风险。基金不同于银行储蓄等能够提供固定收益预期的金融工具,当您购买基金产品时,既可能按持有份额分享基金投资所...
It is important for countries such as China to open their markets to global investors to stay competitive and thrive economically. China A-shares provide an alternative investment for those interested in trading in Chinese securities. 对中国这样的国家来说,向全球投资者开放市场以保持竞争力和经济繁荣是...
Historically, China A-shares were only available for purchase by mainland citizens due to China's restrictions on foreign investment. China A-shares are different from B-shares; A-shares are only quoted in RMB, while B-shares are quoted in foreign currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, and...