#Setup the context $Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL) $Ctx.Credentials = $Credentials #Get All list templates $ListTemplates=$Ctx.Web.ListTemplates $Ctx.Load($ListTemplates) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get All Available list templates $ListTemplates | Select Name, D...
$Ctx = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($SiteURL) $Ctx.Credentials = $Credentials #Get All list templates $ListTemplates=$Ctx.Web.ListTemplates $Ctx.Load($ListTemplates) $Ctx.ExecuteQuery() #Get All Available list templates $ListTemplates | Select Name, Description, ListTempla...
创建list 一、点击site action按扭,再点击site settings. 二、在custom lists列表下点击custom list 三、输入名称后,点击create 四、建好list的主页如下图所示。 开启list的content type. 五、点击settings下拉框的list settings. 六、点击advanced settings. 七、在allow management of content types里点击yes,允许cont...
下面我继续在管理控制台中创建一个SharePoint Portal Server 网站(SPS#0),命令如下: $newSite= New-SPSite -URL http://sp2010h/sites/dh -OwnerAlias zsgl -Template"SPS#0"-Name dhome 注意:写在一行中,这里是为了网页的美观所以折行了。 我创建了一个名为"dhome"的网站集(SPSite),并套用了SPS#0模...
<TemplateFolderPath> <DestinationFolderPath> <DocumentSchemaLocation> {[<SpaceSeparatedDocumentSchemaList>] | [-f <NameOfFileContainingSchemaList>]}. 将参数替换为新创建的文件夹名称。 上述命令还将生成 MX 消息修复所需的信封架构。 转到输出文件夹 <DestinationFolderPath...
答:在早期版本的 SharePoint 中,网站模板称为网站设计,但将称为网站模板。 “设置”面板中的“应用site 模板”入口点已取代了“网站设计”入口点。 问:网站创建期间网站设计下拉列表发生了什么情况? A:网站创建过程中的下拉菜单不再可用。 可以选择在创建网站时立即应用模板,无论是从提示应用模板的窗口,还是通过网...
Customize your site template Select a template from the list below for guidance on how to customize your site to align with your business objectives and organizational branding. Important:Site templates provided by your organization will appear in theFrom your organizationtab when select...
Site templates can now be applied to previously created modern site collections. For more information, see theREST APIandPowerShellarticles. Anatomy of a site script Site scripts are JSON files that specify an ordered list of actions to run when creating the new site. The actions are run in ...
Next, you need to create the site template. The site template appears in a drop-down list when someone creates a new site from one of the templates. It can run one or more site scripts that have already been added. Run the following cmdlet to add a new site template. Replace<ID>with...
SharePoint itself also provides a large list-selection control in the PeopleEditor or its base class, the EntityEditorWithPicker control, that you can use for this purpose. These Web controls come with many hooks for injecting your own custom logic, and by using them you take advantage of a...